Accident Plan


Accident Insurance pays you benefits for specific injuries and events resulting from a covered accident on or after your coverage
effective date. You can use this money however you like, including: deductibles, child care, housecleaning, groceries or utilities.
Accident Insurance is a limited benefit policy.

Below are just some examples of benefits payable under the plan. Refer to your benefits summary or certificate of coverage for a
full listing.

Event Benefit
Hospital Admission: $1,250
Hospital Confinement: $375 per day, up to 365 days
Emergency Room Treatment: $225

Common Injuries
Torn Knee Cartilage – surgical repair: $800
Laceration- with sutures up to 2”: $60
Shoulder Dislocation (Non-surgical): $2,200
Leg Fracture (Non-surgical/Surgical): $2,800/$5,600

If you enroll in Accident Insurance coverage, you have access to a $75 Wellness Benefit, which provides an annual benefit if you complete a health screening test, whether or not there were any out-of-pocket costs. The Wellness Benefit is designed to encourage you to maintain a healthy lifestyle, since the tests screen for a wide range of potential illnesses and diseases.

See the product brochure, certificate of coverage and any applicable riders for a list of covered accidents, along with complete provisions, exclusions and limitations. This is not health insurance and does not satisfy the requirement of minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Changes to enrollment can only be made at open enrollment or with a qualifying life event.