Learning & Development


Many employment benefits offer learning & development opportunities. Dakota 911 encourages employees to take advantage of these opportunities as they are shared via email or on this page.

2024 Learning & Development Opportunities
The following seminars are available to employees on the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) website at www.hpeap.com
  • January: Money and Emotion - Money Matters, Navigating Emotions for Financial Wellbeing (available 1/16/2024)
  • February: Be an Influencer - Positive Impact, Become the Influencer (available 2/20/2024)
  • March: Bonding with Pets - Best (Furry) Friends (available 3/19/2024)
  • April: Food for Thought (available 4/16/2024)
  • May: Emotional Health - Balancing Act, Strategies for Mental Health (available 5/21/2024)
  • June: Feeling Fulfilled - Living Well 365, Igniting Motivation for a Fulfilling Life (available 6/18/2024)
  • July: Teenager in the House - Parenting Adolescents, Understanding Gen Z in Your Home (available 07/16/2024)
  • August: Recognition - Harnessing Positive Reinforcement for Success (available 08/20/2024)
  • September: Getting Creative - Crafting Joy, Finding Fulfillment in Creative Pursuits (available 09/14/2024)
  • October: Aging Parents - Renewed Connections (available 10/15/2024)
  • November: Humor and Relationships - Laughter Helps (available 11/19/2024)
  • December: Tools for Life - Toolbox Talks (available 12/17/2024)