Spousal COB
Spousal COB
Spousal COB
Spousal COB
The GCIC group health insurance plan requires that if an employees’ spouse is eligible to participate in their own group health insurance coverage as a current employee, or as a retiree in a group health plan sponsored by his/her own employer, the spouse must enroll for at least single coverage under their own group health plan to be eligible to participate in the GCIC group health plan.
If your spouse has a Health Savings Account, and contributions are being made to the account, your spouse is not eligible to be on the GCIC health plan for secondary coverage. This is an IRS rule, as an individual contributing to a health savings account cannot also be enrolled in a health plan that is not a high deductible health plan. Please notify your District HR office if this applies, as your spouse will need to be removed from the GCIC health plan.
Please complete one of the below forms when enrolling a spouse for the GCIC health plan.