Benefit Summary
Plan NameVision Exam and Materials
DescriptionAll Employees
CarrierEyeMed Vision Care
Policy Type Vision
Effective Dates8/1/2021 to 8/1/2022
Benefit Attributes - All EmployeesIn-NetworkOut-of-Network
Benefit Frequency
LensesOnce every plan yearOnce every plan year
ExaminationOnce every plan yearOnce every plan year
ContactsOnce every plan yearOnce every plan year
FramesOnce every other plan yearOnce every other plan year
Contact Lenses
Medically Necessary$0 copay, paid in fullUp to $210 Reimbursement
ElectiveConventional:$0 copay; 15% off balance over $130 allowance; Disposable:$0 copay; 100% of balance over $130 allowance Fit and Follow-up - Standard Up to $40; Fit and Follow-up - Premium 10% off retail priceUp to $130 Reimbursement
Materials$20 CopayUp to $30 for single: Bifocal: Up to $50; Trifocal & Lenticular: Up to $70; (Reimbursement)
Examination$10 CopayUp to $40 Reimbursement
Covered Services
Frames$0 copay; 20% off balance over $130 allowanceUp to $91 Reimbursement