WEX Health – Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA)


Postdoctoral Scholar Employees (Title Codes 3252, 3255, 3256) are eligible to participate in the Health FSA (HFSA) and Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) plans through WEX Health.  The HFSA is a pre-tax benefit account that is used to pay for eligible medical, dental, and vision care expenses that are not covered by your health plan or elsewhere. A Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) is a pre-tax benefit account used to pay for eligible dependent care services, such as preschool, summer day camp, before or after-school programs, and child or adult daycare.  For more information on FSA plans and how to use them, check out the FAQs. 



View the WEX FSA Video Presentation

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Summary

Health Care Flexible Spending Account Summary