

The City of Bellevue offers two vision plans through Vision Service Plan (VSP).

Group #12012021

You may use any eye care provider you want, but if you see a VSP provider, your out-of-pocket expenses may be less and the provider automatically files your claim.

Choose from:

1.VSP Exam Only plan
2.VSP Exam and Hardware plan

Kaiser members are covered for vision hardware and exam through Kaiser, bundled with Medical coverage.


To print VSP ID cards, log onto VSP's website with your user ID and password.

(Note: Your provider will ask you for your VSP Member ID, which is different than your User ID, and is 9 digits in length. It is either 4 leading zeros and your 5 digit employee ID number, or 3 leading zeros and your 6 digit employee ID number. Look for your employee ID number on your paycheck stub.)