Prescription Information


Your pharmacy benefits are provided through Prime Therapeutics. Prime is trusted by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) to manage your pharmacy benefits.


There are different drug lists for the medical plans. The PPO medical plan follows the Basic Drug list and the HMO plans follows the Performance Drug list. Below are the most recent versions of the drug lists.

Please note: BCBS updates their formulary list every quarter. Please visit for the most recent version.
Your district's prescription drug benefit plans include a Prior Authorization and Step Therapy program. Prior Authorization (PA) and Step Therapy (ST) encourage safe, cost-effective medication use by allowing coverage when certain conditions are met. To see which drugs require PA and/or ST see the links below.
Effective 10/1/2021: Express Scripts is the home delivery pharmacy service provider for your 90 day supply prescription for all PPO plans. Enjoy the convenience of home delivery. Standard shipping is always free.
Effective 10/1/2021: Accredo Specialty Pharmacy will be the preferred specialty pharmacy.