6 in 60 Activity Breaks



6 in 60 Activity Breaks

Making time for activity breaks throughout the workday can help us feel focused and energized while also helping us fit some fitness into our day. Just 6 minutes of activity in every 60 minutes (1 hour) of sitting can make a big difference in how we feel and perform. Here are several types of activity breaks to mix it up!

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Breathing Breaks

Focus on your breath to help relieve stress, reset your focus, and revive your mind after long periods of sitting.  The breathing exercises below can be done on their own or combined with movement.

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Movement Breaks

Movement breaks are simply an opportunity to actually move instead of sitting stationary.  They can include cardio and/or strength exercises.  Try the following:

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Standing Breaks

Simply standing up after a long period of sitting can help improve blood circulation, boost metabolism, and relieve physical discomforts.  Consider standing while:

  • Talking on the phone or with colleague
  • During meetings
  • Participating in webinars or conference calls
  • Reading
  • Riding a bus/subway/train (be sure to hold on)
  • Watching TV 
  • Waiting for an appointment
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Stretching Breaks

Stretch your shoulders, neck, hips, back, and wrists throughout the day to help relieve tension and soreness that can develop when we sit for long periods.

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Walking Breaks

Walking breaks can improve concentration, increase creativity, and boost mood.  They can be beneficial for physical health too.  Try these ideas for adding more walks to your day:

  • Use a restroom and water fountain across the building or on another floor
  • Walk to a colleague's office for a discussion rather than calling/emailing them
  • Schedule a walking meeting 
  • Take a walk outside
  • Pace the room or walk in place while participating in a conference call or webinar, heating lunch in the microwave, making copies, etc.