In the event, you needed to seek medical care before you received your insurance ID cards from as an enrolled Health Net member, you will be able to file a claim if you paid out-of-pocket for the medical services rendered.
If approved, your claim will only reimburse the amount that Health Net would have covered as the benefit.
To submit a claim:
After you use your Health Net benefits, you may receive a document called an Explanation of Benefits, also known as the EOB. This document is not a bill, but a detailed description of the services you received and the relative cost. To view a descriptive sample that can assist you in understanding this document, please click below:
You can access your health plan information (such as ID cards, copays, deductible info, etc) with Health Net by using their mobile friendly site. Click below for further details or visit
If you have questions relating to your EOB or to a recent claim that was submitted to Health Net, please call the Health Net customer service department at 1-800-522-0088.