![]() ![]() Postdoctoral Scholar Benefit Plan Portal |
Postdoctoral Scholar Employees (Title Codes 3252, 3255, 3256) are eligible to participate in the Health FSA (HFSA) and Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) plans. The HFSA is a pre-tax benefit account that is used to pay for eligible medical, dental, and vision care expenses that are not covered by your health plan or elsewhere. A Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) is a pre-tax benefit account used to pay for eligible dependent care services, such as preschool, summer day camp, before or after-school programs, and child or adult daycare. For more information on FSA plans and how to use them, check out the FAQs.
Flexible Spending AccountUC POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARS FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTS FAQs View the WEX FSA Video Presentation Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Summary Health Care Flexible Spending Account Summary Welcome!Gallagher Benefit Services is pleased to offer the UC Postdoctoral Scholar Benefit Plan.
In addition, Eligible Postdocs will have access to the following services:
The UC Postdoctoral Scholar Benefit Plan is designed to provide eligible participants a comprehensive benefits package. To learn more about the different benefits available to eligible UC Postdocs, please view the documents below:
For detailed plan information please visit the Documents Library.
Teladoc Registration Instructions
Teladoc Registration Instructions
Contact Information
Health Net Medical (HMO group# - 66700A / PPO group# - N2982A) – 888.893.1572 – www.healthnet.com
Health Net Out Of State PPO - First Health Network – Group# 11706A - Phone 800-226-5116 – First Health Network
The UC Postdoctoral Scholar Benefit Plan is designed to provide eligible participants a comprehensive benefits package. To learn more about the different benefits available to eligible UC Postdocs, please view the documents below:
For detailed plan information please visit the Documents Library.
HMO Dental
POS Dental
Contact Information
Health Net Dental (DHMO group# - Z0059A) – 866.249.2382 - https://www.yourdentalplan.com/member/predeeplinks.do?redirectToPage=HEALTHNET
The Principal (DPOS group# - H12843) – 800.247.4695 – www.principal.com
The UC Postdoctoral Scholar Benefit Plan is designed to provide eligible participants a comprehensive benefits package. To learn more about the different benefits available to eligible UC Postdocs, please view the documents below:
For detailed plan information please visit the Documents Library.
Contact Information
Health Net Vision (EyeMed group# - Z0074A) – 866.392.6058 – www.healthnet.com
The UC Postdoctoral Scholar Benefit Plan is designed to provide eligible participants a comprehensive benefits package. To learn more about the different benefits available to eligible UC Postdocs, please view the documents below:
For detailed plan information please visit the Documents Library.
Disability Claim Filing Instructions
Life and AD&D Insurance Overview
STD Insurance
LTD Insurance
Contact Information
The Standard (LTD/STD group# - 643383) – 800.319.9557 – www.standard.com
If you are currently enrolled, you may be able to enroll a newly eligible family member(s) (and/or change your Medical and Dental plan types) if you experience one of the following qualifying life events:
Qualifying Events
ELECTING COBRA AND CONTINUING YOUR MEDICAL, DENTAL AND/OR VISION COVERAGE The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), offers continued coverage when you, your spouse or domestic partner, or your dependents lose group medical, dental, vision, or Health FSA coverage because you experience a qualifying event, such as termination of employment (other than gross misconduct), reduction in work hours (below eligible benefit status), death, divorce/legal separation, or when a child ceases to be an eligible dependent. Please keep in mind that even if your appointment were to terminate at any time during the month, your PSBP coverage continues until the end of the month and your COBRA elected coverage would begin on the first of the month following your termination. COBRA continuation coverage is identical to the UC-sponsored coverage you and/or your dependents had immediately prior to qualifying for COBRA coverage. You may continue coverage under COBRA for up to 18 months if you terminate employment or experience a reduction in hours that affects your benefits eligibility. If your dependent(s) lose coverage because you divorce, legally separate, get an annulment, end a domestic partnership or die or because the dependent loses eligibility (for example, turns age 26), your dependent generally may continue coverage for up to 36 months. It is important for you to notify UCPath in the event of:
To be eligible for COBRA continuation coverage, you must provide notice within 60 days of the event, either by completing the Notice to UC of a Qualifying EventPDF form (UBEN 109) or by providing written notice. As of July 1, 2023, WEX Health is UC’s COBRA administrator. If you lose coverage because of a qualifying event, WEX Health will send you a COBRA election packet. You must send enrollment forms and premiums directly to WEX Health and WEX Health will then report eligibility and premiums to the individual health plans. To learn how much you will pay per month for any coverage you elect through COBRA, please click below: If you have any questions about your COBRA election or status, please contact WEX by phone, online chat, or email. WEX COBRA Participant Services Web: https://cobra.discoverybenefits.com Monday-Friday | 6:00am-9:00pm CST
All eligible Postdocs (Title Code 3252, 3253, 3254, 3255 or 3256) and their dependents are automatically covered for medical evacuation and repatriation benefits necessary to satisfy the J Visa Program. It is not necessary to purchase supplemental insurance to satisfy the J-1 and J-2 Visa requirements regarding Medical Evacuation or Repatriation. The Standard Insurance Company offers both J1 and J2 visa holders the required insurance coverage as shown below: U.S. Department of State Requirement$ amount (USD)
Please review the Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Details, including limitations and exclusions, for a thorough understanding of your coverage.
Listed below is a list of important documents relating to all of the benefit plans offered through the UC Postdoctoral Scholar Benefit Plan. To view the documents, please click on each link:
Medical Insurance Plans |
Vision Insurance Plan |
Dental Insurance Plans |
Life/AD&D Insurance Plan |
Travel Assist |
Prescriptions |
Additional Services Available |
Short Term Disability |
Long Term Disability |
Wellness Benefits
If you pregnant or thinking of starting a family: HEALTHY PREGNANCY PROGRAM DECISION TO QUIT |
Glossary of Healthcare Terms
BRAND-NAME DRUG: Drugs developed and produced exclusively by a single pharmaceutical company. The formula for these drugs is protected by patent for a period of several years before a generic can be developed. BROKER: A broker matches their clients with a health insurance company or plan that best suits the client’s needs. The broker is paid a commission by the insurance company but represents the interests of their client rather than the insurance company. In some cases, as with Gallagher Benefit Services, a broker can also act as a third-party administrator, handling enrollment and billing, benefit and claims questions, etc. CLAIM: A request by a plan member, or a plan member's health care provider, for the insurance company to pay for medical services. COINSURANCE: The amount that you are required to pay for covered medical services after you've satisfied any copayment or deductible required by your health insurance plan. Coinsurance is typically a percentage of the charge for a service rendered by a healthcare provider. For example, if your insurance company covers 80% of the allowable charge for a specific service, you may be required to cover the remaining 20% as coinsurance. COPAYMENT: A flat charge that your health insurance plan may require you to pay for a specific medical service or supply, also referred to as a "copay." For example, your health insurance plan may require a $20 copayment for an office visit or brand-name prescription drug, after which the insurance company pays the remainder of the charges.
COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act): Federal legislation allowing an employee or an employee's dependents to maintain group health insurance coverage through an employer's health insurance plan, at the individual's expense, for up to 18 months after the loss of employment. DEDUCTIBLE: A specific dollar amount that your health insurance company may require that you pay out-of-pocket each year before your health insurance plan begins to make payments for claims. Not all health insurance plans require a deductible. DEPENDENT: A person who is depending on you for financial support and therefore eligible to enroll in a group sponsored benefit plan that you are eligible for. Dependents are usually: spouse, domestic partners, and children. EXPLANATION OF BENEFITS (EOB): The statement sent to you by your health plan explaining the benefit calculation and payment of medical services that details the services rendered and the benefits paid or denied for each service. An EOB lists the charges submitted, the amount allowed, the amount paid, and any balance owed as the patient's responsibility. FORMULARY DRUG: List of prescription drugs approved for a health plan's prescription drug benefit. Formulary lists are available at Anthem's website or you can call Anthem's Customer Service number and request a copy. GENERIC DRUG: A prescription drug that is chemically equivalent to a brand name drug dispensed under its generic chemical name. Generic drugs are cheaper versions of expensive brand name drugs with the same active ingredients, strength and dosage form.
INSURANCE CARRIER: The company responsible for providing you with your health insurance plan by paying your claims, maintaining provider networks, coordinating billing, and offering member assistance services. IN-NETWORK PROVIDER: A healthcare professional, hospital or pharmacy that has a contractual relationship with your health insurance company. This contractual relationship typically establishes allowable charges for specific services. In return for entering into this kind of relationship with an insurance company, a healthcare provider typically gains patients, and a primary care physician may receive a capitation fee for each patient assigned to his or her care. An Out-of-Network provider is a healthcare professional, hospital, or pharmacy that is not part of your health plan's network of preferred (In-Network) providers. You will generally pay more for services received from out-of-network providers, in part because you may be responsible for out of-pocket costs that are considered above the “reasonable and customary” fees. LIFETIME MAXIMUM: The maximum dollar amount that a health insurance company agrees to pay on behalf of a member for covered services during the course of his or her lifetime. MEDICAL EVACUATION AND REPATRIATION INSURANCE: This coverage, required of all J-Visa holders, is for arranging and paying for emergency evacuation to the nearest adequate medical facility, and the repatriation of mortal remains. NON-FORMULARY DRUG: Any brand-name prescription drug that is not included in a particular health plan's list of approved formulary drugs. OPEN ENROLLMENT: The time period each year when you have an opportunity to change your benefit elections. Examples of changes: switch from one medical plan to another; add dependent(s) to medical/dental if not enrolled in your plan. OUT-OF-NETWORK PROVIDER: A doctor, dentist, hospital or other practitioner who does not have a contract with a health plan. OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUM: Out-of-pocket maximums apply to all medical plans. This is the maximum amount you will pay for health care costs in a calendar year. Once you have reached the out-of-pocket maximum, the plan will fully cover most eligible medical expenses for the rest of the plan year. PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (ACA): ACA was signed into law on March 23, 2010. The ACA impacts only U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens (“Green Card Holders”). This new law requires that all U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens obtain health insurance coverage. In addition, the new law required changes to the level of coverage offered by each insurance carrier. Some of the changes include: coverage for pre-existing conditions and free preventive care. PHYSICIAN: Generally, a doctor that is categorized as a general practitioner, family practitioner, pediatrician, internist or OB/GYN. PREFERRED PROVIDER ORGANIZATION (PPO): A PPO is a network of doctors and hospitals that contracted with a health plan and have agreed to provide their medical services at rates lower than their standard fees. A PPO offers both in-network and out-of-network benefits. PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN (PCP): A primary care physician usually serves as a patient's main healthcare provider, especially under an HMO plan. The PCP serves as a first point of contact for healthcare and may refer a patient to specialists for additional services.
SPECIALIST: Generally, a doctor that is NOT categorized as a general practitioner, family practitioner, pediatrician, internist or OB/GYN. Examples of a specialist would include a dermatologist or cardiologist. |
Traveling Abroad
Postdocs Traveling Abroad Medical Assistance When postdocs are traveling outside of the United States, The Standard offers medical assistance only in life threatening situations.
In addition, below is an intro video to Assist America as well as a short video on their Mobile App. Mobile App Video: Assist America Services Introduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sts_BFC2uWI&t=30s Business Travel Postdocs are covered by the UC travel insurance policy when traveling on UC-affiliated business. For additional information, review the links under the Employee Resources section of the Travel Risk & Insurance webpage [https://www.ucop.edu/risk-services-travel/index.html]. Personal Travel Postdocs traveling for personal reasons are eligible to purchase coverage through the UC Personal Travel Insurance Program [https://www.ucop.edu/risk-services-travel/personal.html].
Health Net Claims Process
SEEKING REIMBURSEMENT? In the event, you needed to seek medical care before you received your insurance ID cards from as an enrolled Health Net member, you will be able to file a claim if you paid out-of-pocket for the medical services rendered. If approved, your claim will only reimburse the amount that Health Net would have covered as the benefit.
EXPLANATION OF BENEFITS DOCUMENTAfter you use your Health Net benefits, you may receive a document called an Explanation of Benefits, also known as the EOB. This document is not a bill, but a detailed description of the services you received and the relative cost. To view a descriptive sample that can assist you in understanding this document, please click below: MOBILE APPSYou can access your health plan information (such as ID cards, copays, deductible info, etc) with Health Net by using their mobile friendly site. Click below for further details or visit www.healthnet.com/mobile:
HEALTHNET CUSTOMER SERVICEIf you have questions relating to your EOB or to a recent claim that was submitted to Health Net, please call the Health Net customer service department at 1-800-522-0088. |
Long-Term Disability Form
How May We Help You?
![]() Business Hours:Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm |
![]() Call:800-254-1758
![]() Email:UniversityServices.GBS.psbp@ajg.comFor COBRA, email cobraadmin@wexhealth.com |
![]() Mailing Address:18201 Von Karman Ave,Ste. 200, Irvine, CA 92612 |
Plan Contact Information: Health Net Medical (HMO group# - 66700A / PPO group# - N2982A) – 888.893.1572 – www.healthnet.com Health Net Dental (DHMO group# - Z0059A) – 866.249.2382 - https://www.yourdentalplan.com/member/predeeplinks.do?redirectToPage=HEALTHNET Health Net Vision (EyeMed group# - Z0074A) – 866.392.6058 – www.healthnet.com The Principal (DPOS group# - H12843) – 800.247.4695 – www.principal.com The Standard (LTD/STD group# - 643383) – 800.319.9557 – www.standard.com WEX Health (FSA) – 844.561.1338 - https://uc-fsa.com/ Health Net Out Of State PPO - First Health Network – Group# 11706A - Phone 800-226-5116 – First Health Network |